Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Still Life...with Freezer Paper

Not much quilting going on here this week. And despite the title of this post, life was anything but still. My daughter and grandkiddies came for the weekend. We had a baby shower for my daughter-in-law, celebrated a birthday (mine!) and generally enjoyed ourselves with play. Our granddaughter entertained us with her imaginative stories (one was about Alissica from the Northwest) and helped my husband make my birthday cake. Our grandson showed off his unique crawling ability (if he was swimming, it would be the butterfly stroke.) He can really move, and everything goes in his mouth, so we were on our toes all weekend keeping him safe. For my birthday, my granddaughter gave me a zippered pouch. I told her that I would use it for a coin purse, but she was pretty firm that it was to hold things by my sewing machine. (Aw, isn't that sweet?)

She and her brother also gave me flowers (and chocolate!)

On Monday, my husband and I celebrated the spectacular weather on my birthday with a walk along a path by a river and sandstone ledges in a town near us. The ledges cut right through the middle of town, and you'd never know that the town is right above them. (These ledges are a unique geographical feature for our part of the U.S.. Most of the land around us is gently rolling farmland.) 

What? Oh, you came here to see quilts? Oh, yeah. I did do a little work. Last Wednesday, as I said I would, I finished piecing the Fall Maple Quilt, and last night, I tore off the freezer paper. I always make such a mess when I do that, but this time I used an old plastic punch bowl and it worked well to keep the mess under control. (Also, the papers were pretty big, so the mess wasn't as bad as sometimes. Hence, the title of this post: Still Life...with Freezer Paper.

I think I'll keep the bowl just for that purpose. It wasn't doing anything useful stored in the basement.

I did do some planning for the back of the grandbaby quilt I can't show you yet, and I'm excited to get going on it. I'm also ready to baste the Fall Maple Quilt and do some hand quilting. And I really need to get back to quilting the Big Quilt now that I am pulling my sewing stuff out again after the weekend.

I hope you are enjoying your week whether your life is still or moving at top speed. 

I'm linking up today with Freshly Pieced and Sew Fresh Quilts for their weekly parties. Buttons are on the right.


Linda in Arkansas said...

Still life - hahaha. Very funny. Beautiful walk, I would love to be there. It's so nice to tear them all out, but all those tiny pieces! Ugh. I think I'll use your bowl idea next time. At least this time yours were not so itty bitty.

Ioleen said...

Very cool. Happy belated birthday. I have started quilting using designs on freezer paper. Starting with simple shapes, hearts, circles and stars so far.

Lorinda said...

I'm glad you had a nice birthday! When I take out papers, I pull out my big garbage can from under my desk.... your solution is much prettier!

Zenia Rene said...

Sounds like a wonderful tone spent w/family. I really enjoyed reading your post. I damn still smiling about your grandson's butterfly stroke crawl and your grand daughters insistence on you using the pouch for your sewing things! hahaha. Your paper pierced quilt looks exquisite. I've not yet done PP but have plans to start something next month. The ledges from your bday walk are phenomenal! Thanks for sharing. I'm visiting from Let's Bee Social. Please visit my blog anytime. Zenia Rene of A Quilted Passion.

Kaja said...

A belated happy birthday! Sounds like you had a lovely time, lots of family, good weather, cake. I really like your photos of the sandstone ledges; it looks like a beautiful walk.