Friday, January 2, 2015

New finish for a New Year

One more nursery project. When my granddaughter was born three years ago, I made a little pillow for the rocking chair in her nursery. My daughter used it for back support during many night-time feedings. In recent months my granddaughter has taken it over for her personal pillow, so it's still getting a lot of use. 

The other day my daughter mentioned that she would need to get a new pillow for the rocker for baby number two. Duh. I forgot all about that. So yesterday, I whipped one up with leftover fabric from grandbaby's quilt. I made a pillow form from the fiber of an unused bed pillow, foundation quilted a top to some leftover batting, and made an envelope closing. Such fun!

Looks pretty good on my rocker, doesn't it?
It's a little finish, but it's a new finish for a new year.

Oh, and since my last post about the quilt, I used a Magic Eraser to easily remove the metal smudge marks left by the sewing machine, and I washed it. It turned out nice and crinkly. 

I'm linking up today with Crazy Mom Quilts for Finish It Up Friday and with Confessions of a Fabric Addict for Can I Get a Whoop Whoop.

(Update: I forgot to add (for my own documentation) that the washed quilt now measures 46 by  52 inches, 2 inches shrinkage in each direction from before washing.)


Mari said...

Nice! Those little non-quilt projects can be very rewarding. And congratulations on a finish so early in the year!

Anonymous said...

The pillow is so sweet. A lovely complement to the baby's quilt.